2023-2024 Notre Dame Religious Education Information
August 24, 2024
Dear Parents,
Welcome to Faith Formation at Notre Dame of Easton parish! We are excited to support you and your children in growing in their knowledge and love of Jesus Christ and His Church. Faith formation is a beautiful gift, a foundation upon which we can all build our lives as we come to a deeper and more intimate knowledge of how beloved we are by God.
As you may know, this year we will be having our sessions at the parish Church, rather than the local public schools. The Church is the center of our community of faith, the place where we come together as one family in Christ to share in the great gifts that are the mysteries of our redemption in Jesus Christ. It is important, therefore, that all of our family members - even those youngest among us - see the Church as the centerpiece of their life of faith. Moving our weekly catechesis to the Church and utilizing a new format for our time together in this space will allow our children to get beyond a limited intellectual knowledge of certain teachings towards a deeper engagement with the life of faith through prayer, discussion, and service.
Elementary children will meet for this formation on Tuesday afternoons from 4:30-5:30pm; middle school students will meet from 5:45-7pm, at the schedule attached, just about weekly. This year children in 3rd grade are invited to prepare to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation (if they have not already) and First Holy Communion. Given the intimate connection between these two sacraments, it is our hope that by joining them together in the same year of formation, children will better understand live how the mercy of God moves us to worthy reception of His true presence in the Eucharist. This Sacramental preparation will take place on specific Sundays at 9:30am, between the two parish Masses.
Those in 8th grade are invited to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation, sealing the gift of their baptism and unlocking the fullness of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Confirmation preparation will be on select Monday evenings throughout the year.
**Please note that, in both cases, the schedules for sacramental preparation are distinct from the weekly catechesis. Children preparing for sacraments must also be enrolled in the appropriate level of weekly catechesis.
You also have the option to provide formation at home for your children, whether for the whole year or even just for part of it, as your needs dictate. We are committed to providing outstanding support for you in this endeavor. For more information about this opportunity, please email us directly at [email protected].
As you are aware, forming the children of our parish is an investment. In order to help offset some of these costs, we ask our families to contribute registration fees. The fees for 2024-2025 will be the same as they were for 2023-2024 and can be found below.
We invite you to submit payment via check to the parish office, either in person or via mail. Please note that the Faith Formation office is now located in the Rectory office at 640 Morehouse Rd, Easton, CT 06612.
Should you have any questions or concerns, including if you need any assistance with the registration fees, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected].
Faith Formation Fees 2024-2025
One Child: $225
Two Children: $400
Three or more Children: $475
Sacramental Preparation Supplement (if your child is receiving First Reconciliation / First Communion or Confirmation): $75.
Please make all checks payable to Notre Dame and include “Faith Formation” in the Memo line.
We are grateful for your commitment to your children’s growing in faith and we are humbled by your trust in inviting us to collaborate with you in forming them. We look forward to a wonderful year together!
In Christ through Mary,
Rev. Christopher J Ford Mrs. Laura M Danner
Pastor Director of Catechesis & Evangelization